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Western Australia is naturally free from a large number of pests and diseases that are present in many other parts of the world.  This is partially due to our geographical isolation as well as strong regulatory controls and industry awareness and commitment.  WA pork producers are motivated to ensure that nothing compromises our enviable pest and disease-free status as it provides a strong competitive market advantage.   Swill feeding (feeding food scraps) to pigs is illegal in Australia because it could result in the introduction of devastating livestock diseases.  For more information on what is prohibited and what is allowable visit https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/livestock



NLIS for pigs took effect on 1st February 2018 and requires the mandatory identification of pigs and recording of all pig movements between properties with different Property Identification Codes (PICs) in Australia. Specifically the requirements are:

• Pigs up to 25 kg must be tagged prior to leaving property
• Pigs over 25 kg can be tagged or slap branded

Leaving property of birth:
• Yellow approved NLIS tag in pig’s left ear or
• Slap brand on pig’s left shoulder

Leaving any other property:
• Orange NLIS tag in pig’s right ear or
• Slap brand on pig’s right shoulder

Movement documentation and recording:
• PigPass NVD waybill required for every movement off property
• Update the PigPass database within 48 hours of arrival at new PIC
• PigPass immediately transfers record to NLIS database

The NLIS requirements apply to all:
• PIGS and their movements in Australia.
• PEOPLE responsible for the care / management of pigs from or to farms, saleyards, artificial breeding centres, vets, agents, transport vehicles,knackeries and processing establishments, agricultural shows
• MOVEMENT between locations with a different PIC.

More information can be found here

A list of approved devices can be found here